Want to Know What it means to dream about snakes in the words of Freud and Jung? Then you are in the right place.
Everyone seems to have their own opinion about what a snake represents in your dream, but why listen to them when we have two central figures dominating the landscape of Dream Interpretation – Freud and Carl Jung?
Sigmund Freud, aka Freud, is the founder of Psychoanalysis, and he expresses that the snake in your dreams represents your unconscious sexual desires.
Whereas Carl Jung, the founder of Analytical Psychology, believes that the dreaming of snakes is connected to more prominent universal archetypes, which Jung originally terms primordial images or represents inner conflict of a personal nature. Let’s look at what this dream Interpretation Guru says about the serpent in your dreams. But first, Freud has to say something.
Freud famously described psychoanalytic dream interpretation as “the royal road to a knowledge of the unconscious activities of the mind.”
Freud and Snake Dreams –
As I said, Freud is the Founder of Psychoanalysis, and for him seeing a snake in your dream represents a phallic symbol, which represents a Penis and your sexual drives.
A Freudian interpretation of the snake dream emphasizes your relation to sexuality and male figures. For Freud, the snake is the symbol of the penis.
So if you are a woman experiencing a snake dream, it is associated with sexuality representing your relationship with men, incredibly romantic or sexual ones, or your male energy. Freud, in his book, The Interpretation of Dreams, written in 1899, quoted about snakes featured in dreams:
“Most of those animals” which are utilized as genital symbols in mythology and folklore play this part also in dreams: the fish, the snail, the cat, the mouse (on account of the hairiness of the genitals), but above all the snake, which is the most important symbol of the male member.”
So if you get a dream” about a snake and ask a Freudian analyst to interpret your dream, you will be suggested that the snake symbolizes your sexuality, sexual desires, or inner conflict about how you experience your sexuality.
Jung on Dreaming About Snakes –
Jung, the founder of Analytical Psychology, was convinced that the scope of Snake’s dream interpretation was enormous. Carl Jung believes that the serpent is associated with wisdom and symbolizes healing.
In his words, Carl has quoted this: “What Nature wants us t “do is to move with a snakelike motion. … The snake is the symbol of the great wisdom of Nature, for the too direct way is not the best way; the crooked way, the detour, is the shorter way.”
This can be supported “s the serpent inscribed on the Rod of Asclepius, held by the Greek God Asclepius, a deity associated with healing. The Rod of Asclepius I now represents the physician’s emblem.
Carphysician’s why these dreams occur: “Snake-dreams usually occur”; therefore, when the conscious mind deviates from its instinctual basis.”
Finally, he talked about “snake dreams in his words: “Snake dreams always indicate a discrepancy between the attitude of the conscious mind and instinct, the snake being a personification of the threatening aspect of that conflict.”
To whom do you support, “Carl Jung or Sigmund Freud? Write your answer in the comments below. And don’t forget to share this article with your friends and family.